Carolyn E. Welch, J.D., is CEO of the Midwest Center for the Gifted and a member of the NAGC Legislative & Advocacy Committee. Joshua Dwyer is the Policy Director for the Midwest Center for the Gifted. 
Paula Olszewski-Kubilius is Director of the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University; Rena Subotnik is Director of the Center for Psychology in the Schools and Education at the American Psychological Association; and Frank Worrell is a Professor, Graduate School of Education, at the University of California.
Todd Stanley, the gifted services coordinator for Pickerington Local Schools (OH) and the author of many teacher-education books, takes an educational theory and shows you how to turn it into practice.
Three members of the Special Populations Network share their concerns on Gifted Child Quarterly's special issue currently under development on Lewis M. Terman's longitudinal study of 1,528 gifted children in 1921.
THE HIGH FLYER post is by Brandon L. Wright, Editorial Director of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.
