Social & Emotional Issues

Because gifted children demonstrate greater maturity in some domains over others, they may be at greater risk for specific kinds of social-emotional difficulties if their needs are not met.

These aspects may include heightened awareness, anxiety, perfectionism, stress, issues with peer relationships, and concerns with identity and fit.   Parents, adults, and caregivers in their lives need to stay in tune with their specific child's needs, and help shape a strong framework for social-emotional health.  

Keep in mind:

  • A child gifted in one area does not mean gifted in all
  • Giftedness can lead to the masking and misunderstanding of problem signs
  • Not all gifted children are alike, including their own unique social-emotional profile
  • There is no single, definitive recipe for maintaining a child's emotional equilibrium
  • Parents need to model balance and set the tone to reduce stress/anxiety in the gifted child's life
  • We can teach our children strategies and provide tools for dealing with the ebb and flow of life

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