Federal Level Advocacy

Although the role of the federal government in gifted education is minimal, NAGC works with state and local advocates to pursue opportunities in Congress and at the U.S. Department of Education to increase federal support of gifted and talented learners.

Working with the Congress

Advocates for gifted and talented learners are the most powerful force for change in Congress.  Members of Congress respond to constituent interests and need to hear from voters about issues of concern in order to take action to support them.  Your voices are necessary to ensure that your Congressional delegation understands the needs of gifted and talented and high-potential students in your state.  Communication with your elected federal officials is part of the shared responsibility envisioned in the right to petition the government granted in the United States Constitution.

Federal Legislative Process

The House of Representatives and the Senate conduct their work through a system of committees that consider legislative proposals, make adjustments, and send the bills to the full House or Senate for final passage.  Education issues are handled by the House Education and Workforce Committee and the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee.  The Congress works on a two-year cycle to pass legislation and bills that do not become law must be reintroduced in the next cycle.  The Congress also works annually on appropriations bills that provide funding for federal programs and agencies.  The U.S. Constitution assigns different responsibilities to the Senate and House (such as approving treaties), which also affects their work. 

Federal Agencies

The Executive branch divides its work between multiple federal agencies.  Education matters are addressed mostly by the U.S. Department of Education, which implements programs passed in federal education law (e.g., Title I grants to school districts; Pell grants for college tuition).  The Department of Education also administers a system of education research grants through the Institute for Education Sciences and collects national data on schools, students, and teaching through the National Center for Education Statistics.



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