Preparing Teaching Candidates for Advanced Learners

Sharing what you know--

The Syllabi Project

  • Most teacher candidates receive less than 2 clock hours of instruction on advanced learners,1 yet these gifted students receive the bulk of their education in the regular classroom.2
  • Just one state requires preservice training in GT for general education teachers.2

Information about the needs of gifted students has to be infused throughout the teacher candidate's coursework.  University faculty knowledgeable about identifying and serving gifted students, modified syllabi from teacher preparation courses in their institutions to show how teacher candidates can be informed about the needs of advanced students. Below are three examples of modified syllabi.

We encourage you to share your knowledge with collegues teaching general education preparation courses.  Use the syllabi above to show how gifted students can be included in the regular coursework.  Or, help your collegues by modifying a syllabus from your own institution.

Find out more about why trained teachers are so important.


1 Farkas, S., & Duffett, A. (2008). High-achieving students in the era of NCLB: Results from a national teacher survey. Washington, DC: Thomas B. Fordham Institute.

2 NAGC and CDGP (2013). 2012-2013 State of the states in gifted education. Washington, DC: Author.

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