Parent Representative

Qualifications and Responsibilities

Tenure of Office

Successful candidate will serve a three-year term beginning on September 1, 2021.


The following qualifications are evaluated by the Elections Committee to develop a slate of candidates for this position.

1. Essential Qualifications:

  • Documented Service as an officer or other leadership positions within a state or local (school, school district or regional ) advocacy or parent group, or State Affiliate
  • Experience with gifted children in any setting
  • Nominee must be an NAGC member in good standing
  • Member for at least 3 years in a local, district or state parent or advocacy group or NAGC recognized State Affiliate organization

2. Preferred Qualifications:

  • Evidence of advocacy activity on behalf of gifted children at any level
  • NAGC Convention attendance
  • NAGC Committee participation
  • Evidence of competency in gifted education
  • Familiarity with governance and finance issues
  • Leadership experience outside of gifted education
  • Experience organizing others to support gifted education policies and practices (e.g. active involvement in some aspect of a local parent group)

3. Agreement to abide by the Candidate Campaigning Policy 4.1 throughout the election cycle.


  • Participate in the development and annual monitoring of NAGC’s strategic plan;
  • Exercise fiduciary responsibility for the fiscal health of the organization;
  • Attend three (3) NAGC Board meetings per year: one in early fall, one at the annual convention each November, and the other usually scheduled in conjunction with the Affiliate Conference in March. Expenses for Board meetings are eligible for some reimbursement upon presentation of original receipts;
  • Serve on at least one Board Committee at the request of the President;
  • Represent the best interests of the organization on all issues raised in Board meetings, based on careful analyses of agendas and supporting materials;
  • Know and uphold the regulations, policies, and procedures of the organization;
  • Represent NAGC positions to individuals and groups with whom the Board member interacts (e.g. open doors to potential donors, make visits, or identify key alliance partners);
  • Adhere to conflict of interest policy of NAGC;
  • Discouraged from simultaneous service on organizational committees for the duration of the term of office;
  • Make an annual cash or in-kind contribution to NAGC during the term of office;
  • Recruit new members for the organization.