Networks - Professional Learning


The Network's primary purpose is to improve the quality of services offered to the gifted/creative/talented students through effective programs for training professionals to work with this unique population. This purpose is:

  • synthesizing and disseminating information that will expand the knowledge base in professional teacher training for education of the gifted/creative/talented;
  • providing in-service education at the professional-development level in order to encourage and stimulate professional growth;
  • serving as a public advocate of quality programs for training professionals to work with gifted students or to administer programs designed to meet their special needs; and
  • providing and disseminating recommended standards for the development and implementation of pre-service, in-service, and graduate training opportunities in gifted education.

The mission of the Professional Learning Network is to improve the quality of personnel preparation programs and to further the development of leadership within the field of gifted education.  Current network interests include:

  • Inservice and staff development
  • Leadership and administration
  • Higher education


Karen Brown, Chair
Kimberly Stephenson, Chair Elect
Myriah Miller, Secretary Chair
Angela Novak, Program Chair
Meg Lee, Communications Chair
Katie Lewis, Past Chair

The Professional Development Network, with the approval of the NAGC Board of Directors, voted to change its name to Professional Learning to better reflect current thinking.  For more information, read the network article, What's in a Name? Professional Development vs. Professional Learning.

Professional Learning Award


The Professional Learning Network annually awards a Professional Development Award.  The Award recognizes an individual(s), institution, or organization for planning and implementing sustained professional development on gifted education.

The program may relate to any age level within the gifted education context and be given to educators and service providers in PreK-12 or higher education.

For more information:  Award FlyerApplication Form, and the Verification Form.  You may also download the Application Checklist. For any questions, contact Kim Stephenson .


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Planning & Implementing High-Quality PK-12 Standards

Ensure that the learning needs of advanced students are being met.