THE HIGH FLYER post is by Chester E. Finn, Jr., Distinquished Senior Fellow and Presidenet Emeritus of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, and Amber M. Northern, Sr. Vice President for Research at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.
The new Fordham Institute report, Is There a Gifted Gap?, gave me a lot of food for thought this week. Let’s start with some important positives: Although gifted education research is in many ways thriving, attention to policy research has been woefully underdeveloped, and this study is a major contribution to filling that void.
A newly released report, Is There a Gifted Gap?, by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute sheds further light on the many challenges gifted students from underserved populations face in being identified and served.  
Today, the Washington Senate is holding a hearing on a new bill,
THE HIGH FLYER post is by Timothy Daly, a Founding Partner of EdNavigator.
