Kristie Speirs Neumeister

At-Large Member, NAGC Board of Directors
Ball State University

I am a professor of Educational Psychology at Ball State University and direct the Gifted and Talented Graduate Licensure Program. I have served on the Board of Directors of the Indiana Association for the Gifted in multiple capacities including President and Conference Chair (in which I gained experience in financial management of the affiliate), Governance Secretary, and Advocacy Co-Chair. I have been an active member of NAGC for over two decades, attending and presenting at nearly every NAGC convention since 1999. Additionally, I have served on the NAGC Awards, Program, and Elections Committees and the Administrative and Defining Giftedness Taskforces. Throughout my career, I have published over 50 journal articles, books, technical reports, chapters, and an interactive textbook on gifted education. I have given over 100 presentations at state, national, and international conferences in gifted education. My husband and I are also parents of four daughters identified as gifted learners.

Photo of Kristie Speirs Neumeister

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