Gifted Coordinator Award

This new award was created to recognize significant contributions to gifted students in a district by a district gifted coordinator or administrator.  This contribution may include: development of district-wide programming that meets the needs of gifted students; identification practices the minimize bias, articulation and or programming that meets the academic and affective needs of gifted learners; professional development and support to teachers and principals on the needs of advanced learners, and advocacy within the district for gifted education and gifted children.

Submission Procedure and Checklist
Award nominations are done online and NAGC will make every effort to make sure each nomination is complete.  The award requires that the nominator submit:

  • A statement of why this person should be considered for the award
  • A list of his or her significant accomplishments considering the criteria for selection of award
  • Two letters of recommendation in support of the nomination

Selection Criteria
The nominee will be reviewed based on the following:

  • Implements comprehensive identification policies and procedures that equitably identify students with gifts and talents
  • Provides opportunities for all students to demonstrate diverse characteristics and behaviors associated with giftedness


  • Develops/Expands/Improves a comprehensive continuum of aligned programming options based on best practices and evidence-based research
  • Provides services to meet the cognitive and affective needs of all students with gifts and talents

Curriculum and Instruction

  • Designs, develops or adopts appropriate curriculum and instructional strategies to meet the needs of students with gifts and talents
  • Provides appropriate scaffolding for diverse populations or twice exceptional learners

Professional Development

  • Assesses professional development needs to develop and monitor plans and provides training that systematically meets the identified needs
  • Supports teachers with training to deliver district adopted programs for gifted curriculum and instruction

Leadership and Advocacy

  • Shows commitment to continuous program improvement through data collection, evaluation, and communication with stakeholders
  • Effectively communicates the needs of students with gifts and talents to fellow educators, district leaders, policy makers and other stakeholders
  • Coordinates services through general education, special education and related services
  • Works effectively with families of students with gifts and talents


  • The nominee must currently serve in the position of district coordinator/administrator or have served in that position during the previous 12 months.
  • The nominee’s work focus is primarily gifted education
  • The nominee must influence gifted programming for the entire district (not just one school within the district)

Review the Scoring Rubric

The recipient of the award, in addition to other applicants, will be notified of the Awards Committee’s decision in writing no later than August 31. The award recipient will receive a plaque and a one-year complimentary membership in NAGC. The award will be presented at the Annual NAGC Convention in November.

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