GCQ Paper of the Year

The GCQ Paper of the Year Award is given to the author(s) of the paper published in Gifted Child Quarterly in the volume year immediately prior to the award, which, in the opinions of the Editor and members of the Publications Committee, best exemplifies high standards of scholarship in research, theory, and/or practice in gifted education.

Criteria for GCQ Paper of the Year Award
Articles nominated for the GCQ Paper of the Year award will be evaluated in five areas. The highest rated articles will meet the following criteria:

  • The article topic is relevant and important to a broad range of the GCQ readership. The article provides findings that significantly impact the field of gifted and talented education and/or the development of gifted students. That is, the findings can be immediately built upon (implemented immediately in practice, basic research, or policy implementation, etc.).
  • The article provides new, unique, or alternative understandings of the topic, with the potential for furthering thought and/or research within the field of gifted and talented education.
  • The article supports the intellectual quality of its focus by providing a convincing rationale supported by (1) current and/or seminal theory and research and (2) relevant literature within and/or outside the field of gifted and talented education.
  • The research design and all procedures implemented are appropriate relative to the research question(s) posited, thus the findings provide for rigorous evidence for the topic under study, ruling out alternative explanations for the results  (where applicable). All procedures relative to participants (where applicable), data collection (where applicable), and data analysis are appropriate given the question(s) posed, thus providing findings that have generalizability.  The authors use the most sophisticated, yet appropriate, data analysis techniques.
  • The writing style of the article is engaging and appropriate for the topic and the GCQ readership using language that takes readers to a new level of understanding.  The writing is clearly focused, purposeful and leads to key points or conclusions. The article is technically sound, but results and discussion are accessible to a broad range of GCQ readers. Language and style make the article more elegant than one would normally expect.


  • Self-nominations are limited to the first author of the article.
  • Deadline for nominations will be announced
  • The recipient(s) of the award will be notified before September 25.


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