NAGC Statement on Administration’s FY2021 Budget: Funding the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program helps support our nation's minority and low-income gifted students.
February 11, 2020

As the Administration released its FY2021 Budget Request for the U.S. Department of Education yesterday, the Secretary of Education stated that, “All students should have the freedom to pursue an education that develops their talents, unleashes their unique potential, and prepares them for a successful life.” Unfortunately, NAGC is disappointed to see that the Administration has again proposed elimination of the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program, the only federal funding stream specifically committed to gifted and talented students.

“Research has clearly shown that the academic needs of gifted and talented students are rarely met in regular classrooms,” said Jonathan Plucker, NAGC President. “Although the funding directed to the Javits program is small compared to the overall federal education budget, its influence is significant. Maintaining the program will empower educators to implement effective practices that make a difference in the lives of all gifted and talented children.”

Plucker explained further: “We need to expand availability and access to gifted programs and services, and Javits funding has proven to be particularly important in supporting efforts to reach minority and low-income gifted students who are too often overlooked.” A study from the National Center for Research on Gifted Education showed that minority children living in poverty who are performing at the same level as their gifted peers are 250% less likely to be identified for and served in gifted programs.

Reversing this inequity in educational opportunities for our nation’s gifted and talented students is imperative. NAGC strongly urges the Administration and the leaders in the Congress to maintain and increase the $13 million currently allocated for the Javits program to help ensure every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential. 


The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) represents approximately 3,000 educators, parents, and advocates who work to help all gifted and talented children as they strive to achieve their personal best and contribute to their communities. NAGC's mission is to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research.

Contact: John Segota, 202-785-4268

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