NAGC Denounces Racism and Stands for Social Justice
June 5, 2020

The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) unequivocally denounces racial injustice and the systemic racism that plagues our country.

We are going through a profound historical moment. The brutal and senseless death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week was both shocking and a heartbreaking reminder of the history of racism and inequality in the United States. The resulting protests across the country have shown the deep pain of racial injustice and the systemic racism that has led to the deaths of Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, and countless others. NAGC shares in the grief and pain caused by these tragedies, and we stand in solidarity with Black Americans and with our Black gifted students, their families, and Black educators and scholars.
The field of gifted education has a checkered past regarding the promotion of equity. Over the past several decades, NAGC and its members have focused considerable energy to right these historical wrongs by addressing inequities and promoting opportunities for all children. We are committed to diversity, equity, supporting underserved populations, and have advocated that giftedness knows no boundaries.
But we need to do much more. The time for action is now.
We must do our part to confront systemic and institutional racism. Action is being taken now on collecting and developing resources that address the issues of racism and racial injustice for gifted students. Plans are also being developed with the Board of Directors on additional actions NAGC can take to further address issues of social justice, underserved populations, and supporting Black gifted students and scholars. Later this month we will update the membership on next steps.
We have much work ahead of us, and it starts with listening, learning, and ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We must all work together in the pursuit of justice and equity.
The lives of Black gifted students, their families, and Black educators and scholars matter.


Jonathan Plucker, Ph.D.

John Segota, MPS, CAE  
Executive Director

About NAGC